Grow with Me Collection B
$925 +Tax ($200 Deposit, goes towards final price)
***Please note all Milestone Package Sessions are for Baby ONLY and in Latisha Hale Photography’s Lake Stevens Studio (except for the Cake Smash this can be outdoors if desired, weather permitting).
One Hour each for session with the exception of Newborn (2-4 hours).
Included: Newborn & 1 Year Cake Smash session (includes customized smash cake from Sheri’s Creative Cakes)
20 Retouched Digital Images, that you choose (each Session)
All images color corrected.
PLEASE NOTE this is for booking a session.
To book a specific date please contact Latisha Hale Photography, LLC.
***Latisha Hale Photogprahy, LLC has a growing client closet. Please contact photographer with questions.
***Fees include up to 6 persons, $25 charge per each additional person.
***$25 for each additional retouch.
***Retouch = color correction, blemishes, skin tone/ smoothing, distracting objects in background, etc.
***Twin Newborns additional fee of $100
***Add $100 to package to add family members
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